Answer: Of Course!
Genesis 3:18-25
18.Then the LORD God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him."
19.Now out of the ground the LORD God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name.
20.The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him.
21.So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh.
22.And the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man.
23Then the man said,
"This at last is bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called Woman,
because she was taken out of Man."
24.Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
25.And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.
God made Eve for Adam.
The perfect gift for a man with no human companion.
You'll see by what it says in verse 18, that God had planned this little surprise for Adam perfectly.
First, He says "I will make a helper fit for him". So you see, He planned to make Eve. Secondly, in verse 19, he makes every animal and brings them to Adam. This is to show and familiarize Adam with every animal, their strengths and beauties.
In verse 20, God reveals his hidden purpose in giving Adam this task, it's to show him that Yes, these are glorious and beautiful creatures, but none of them are suitable to be a companion to him. This is for closure, so to speak, So that in Verse 22, when he God brings Eve to him, he knows that she is incomparable in beauty and in mind to any other creature God had made.
This is to avoid confusion, I believe. To refute any thought that Adam would be better off with a animal to serve him, that no one might think that she was "bad for him".
Eve was not only the first human being that Adam saw, she was also female, handmade(literally) specifically for him, and she was naked. When Adam first sees her, he sings a joyful song about her.
he says;
"This at last is bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called Woman,
because she was taken out of Man."
He says "this at last..." because directly before that, he had just looked at every animal that God had made, and there was no suitable wife found for him. This at last! After going through every creature God had made, Finally there was a helper for him. Finally, A WIFE!
Make no mistake. Verse 23 is not an expression of sorrow, nor of resentment, nor of coldness, this is pure and right joy. Finally, a companion. Finally, a wife.
Not only did Adam love her, but he was proud of her. Made from a part of him, how could he not be proud? Not just was she made for him, but she was beautiful. Beautiful in every way. The prototype of women. Adam could be proud of her for these reasons:
1. He had the first woman.
2. She was physically perfect, humanly speaking.
3. She was made for him.
4. She was made from him.
5. She was the most beautiful woman ever to be created past, present and future.
Adam had never seen another woman before. He had no reason to think that he could do better than Eve, no reason to think that there was another, more beautiful woman that he could choose from. She was his standard of beauty. And she was beautiful.
Then End.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Last night, I went to Wal-Mart
readers and other not so smart people who are reading this.
oh, wait.
that doesn't work.
someone should tell you from me to look at the pictures as you're(obviously) not reading.
Yesterday after work.
I bought a pair of scissors.
After much ado, I came "home".
After eating and procrastinating, I proceeded to go downstairs.
I then cut my hair over the bathroom sink.
These are two pictures of the aftermath.
This is it.

And the back.
I'll never pay for another hair cut again, as this is the finest haircut that I have ever received.
I never fail to be cheated when I get a haircut, no matter how little or how much I pay for it, or even if it's free! I feel cheated out of my right to have a haircut I can live with.
But this! This, I can live with.
The end.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Remembrance Day
Dear readers, I implore you to spend a little bit of time, probably 15 minutes or so, and read this.
The article is incredibly revealing, and I believe that unless you hate good and love evil, you will not sing this song again.
Isn't it horrific? I knew that it was a bad song to sing, but all I really knew about it was that it was written as a Northern taunt, and not in the slightest bit Christian, regardless of appearance.
Someone I know thinks that you can still sing it and enjoy the melody, or just change the words and it will be ok. No it won't! No matter what you do, you'll always remember the words that have gone with that song for over 100 years, and you may even find yourself singing them quietly. It's best to ignore it completely. What bad could come from avoiding that melody? It's certainly not nicer than other melodies that have good lyrics, and you'd be far better off just singing other songs. So I ask you. Don't you think it would be easier to avoid singing it? In just the same way that someone who has a history of alcohol abuse should avoid drinking alcohol, I think that ignoring this song, melody AND lyrics, to avoid sinning is a good idea.
And so, this Remembrance Day draws to a close.
We were open today from 12 to 7, of which I worked, from 12 to 7.
We were crazy busy for the first 4 hours, and then we were just normal busy for around an hour, and then it varied until closing time.
And now it is now.
The End.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Today I went to the Rogers' house.
I had the day off, and so I volunteered that information to them, as they have a decent sized place, and always some work to be done.)
Mr Rogers picked me up this morning and we went.
My first task was trimming the strawberry plants, so as to be able to see the rows definitively so I could then proceed with the next task.
Next, I was to till between the rows by means of a Mantis rototiller to remove weeds and to define the rows for future reference, and of course, to be able to walk between them next strawberry season.
This is a picture of those tasks in their completion.
*has lunch*
I proceeded to cover the rows with said straw.
I ran out of straw after the first row, so when I reloaded the wagon, I filled it two times as full as the first time.
I still had to reload again, but the second load covered two rows, so the last reload wasn't full size.
I'm a farmer now.
That's right.
Don't mess with the dudeman with a pitchfork.
3 out of 4.
Almost done!
After that, I helped Mr. Rogers and aforementioned other man build an instant garage.
Then Harry came with Peter, John and Rebecca and we captured chickens and put them in boxes in the back of Harry's van.
We removed the laying boxes and put them into Harry's van also.
Then we went here and there till we were ready to come to my place of living and eat.
Finally, when all the food was done, they left me to go to their respective homes.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
of VPNs and Pirate radio.
Dear reader,
Of late, I have been reading a little bit about VPNs. The reason is, I'm sick and tired of being kept from Hulu and Pandora.
A VPN is a Virtual Private Network. In short, it builds a private tunnel through pubic network, enabling you to do several things, primarily, it shields whatever you do on your network from your ISP and/or your network filter/child lock/etc, etc. This enables you to visit web sites blocked by your ISP, such as country specific sites like Hulu or Pandora.
I started with a simple Google search for a free VPN service. This result was particularly helpful. FreeVPN seems to be the best free VPN client, at least, the best that can be found and reviewed withing half an hour:).
Installing and running FreeVPN is incredibly simple. I now can enjoy Pandora and Hulu anytime I like! I love it. It's almost as awesome as free food!
I looked up how to run a pirate radio station. It's pretty sweet. I think I'll do it someday. It's just that it would cost me 4 or 5 hundred dollars, and I'm a poor person. So not soon.
My vest so pretty epically soft.
On a secondary note, I love twitter. My twitter name is jasperstam89.
That's all for now.
I'll post some pictures probably tomorrow after work. We shall see. I work 7 to 3 tomorrow.
Love, Jasper.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Virus alert
and so it goes. I start my blog. After much procrastination.
It's fall. Beautiful, but cold. I like warm weather, even hot. My friend Charity once commented to her father about how she didn't appreciate the cold. As I recall, she said that her conversation with her father ended up with the conclusion that cold is a direct result of the fall(Genesis 3), and even though we're called to be content(Philippians 4:11) I don't think that that means we have to love the cold. My interpretation of it is that we have to accept it as the natural consequences of our sin, and always look to the day when there will be no more cold.
I'm listening to U2 - Boy as I type. I like U2. I have all of their albums, which I'm fairly proud of. I love the fact that they're Irish. I'm never very impressed when I hear that a band is from America. I mean, what does that even mean..? Practically everyone in North America are descended from people of other nations like England, Germany, Holland, France, Ireland, Scotland and pretty much every other nation there is.
Even though they're very theologically un-sound, I like the fact that they're Catholic, however wrong, Catholics are probably the most outspoken conservative group there is. Even with their many evils, I appreciate their contribution to the pro-life, pro-family and anti-homosexuality movements.
And, of course, I greatly appreciate their music.
I work at this little coffee shop called Starbucks, perhaps you may have heard of it? Mine is located in Chapters, off of Paul Street in Dieppe.
I have the day off. Well, not really, I have to go in to work tonight at 8 for a Christmas meeting. I'm fairly certain that this will be a pep talk about how we'll need to work harder and sell lots of merchandise(mugs and things) so as to make it through this shallow, commercialized version of Christmas.
What was Christmas once? It is now a holiday about self.
It sickens me sometimes, how people live for possessions. I love to have nice things, but I don't live for them, and I believe that's how it should be. God gave us our senses that we might enjoy everything good, and he gives us many good gifts and possessions, obviously for our enjoyment. The key is not to enjoy them more than we enjoy him. To glorify and worship him for all he has given us.
Last night, frustrated with Skype, I decided to download ooVoo. Well, none-too-wisely, I downloaded it from rapidshare. You may know what happened next.. I recieved a system error message with a warning that the computer would automatically shut down in 1 minute. Yes, this gets worse. I restarted my computer, only to find that a virus had just locked everything past my logon screen. I could put in my password, but my familiar Windows 7 graphical interface would not open, even more, my task manager had also been disabled. And so, currently, I am blogging from an Ubuntu live disk, thankfully virus-immune. Now, I'm attempting to download a Windows virus scanner for Linux. It is proving to be difficult, because of my silly Rogers internet service.
This morning I called Rogers to make a complaint about how, for 3 consecutive months, they had not sent me a 75% bandwidth used notification. This means that I would, without warning, receive a 100% notification, and then inevitably, go over my 60gb a month limit. I spoke to a Very nice man named Scott. He was very helpful and typed a case to give to a higher authority than him, and then gave me my case number. Out of curiousity, I asked him where he was. He told me that he's in Moncton too! Cool, huh.
Recently, I've been watching an anime series called Fate/Stay Night.
The synopsis ( "The Holy Grail War is a battle between seven magicians who each summon a mythical hero to fight for their cause. Shirou, a twice orphaned high school boy, had so little magical talent that his foster father did not bother teaching him about the war and its meaning. Thanks to that lack of foresight, Shirou finds himself in a bit of a pinch when he accidentally summons a hero of the strongest class, and is sucked into the fray. The Grail grants the winner any wish they have. But driven by an unyielding sense of justice and self-sacrifice, for what will Shirou fight?"
I'm quite enjoying it.
That's all for now.
It's fall. Beautiful, but cold. I like warm weather, even hot. My friend Charity once commented to her father about how she didn't appreciate the cold. As I recall, she said that her conversation with her father ended up with the conclusion that cold is a direct result of the fall(Genesis 3), and even though we're called to be content(Philippians 4:11) I don't think that that means we have to love the cold. My interpretation of it is that we have to accept it as the natural consequences of our sin, and always look to the day when there will be no more cold.
I'm listening to U2 - Boy as I type. I like U2. I have all of their albums, which I'm fairly proud of. I love the fact that they're Irish. I'm never very impressed when I hear that a band is from America. I mean, what does that even mean..? Practically everyone in North America are descended from people of other nations like England, Germany, Holland, France, Ireland, Scotland and pretty much every other nation there is.
Even though they're very theologically un-sound, I like the fact that they're Catholic, however wrong, Catholics are probably the most outspoken conservative group there is. Even with their many evils, I appreciate their contribution to the pro-life, pro-family and anti-homosexuality movements.
And, of course, I greatly appreciate their music.
I work at this little coffee shop called Starbucks, perhaps you may have heard of it? Mine is located in Chapters, off of Paul Street in Dieppe.
I have the day off. Well, not really, I have to go in to work tonight at 8 for a Christmas meeting. I'm fairly certain that this will be a pep talk about how we'll need to work harder and sell lots of merchandise(mugs and things) so as to make it through this shallow, commercialized version of Christmas.
What was Christmas once? It is now a holiday about self.
It sickens me sometimes, how people live for possessions. I love to have nice things, but I don't live for them, and I believe that's how it should be. God gave us our senses that we might enjoy everything good, and he gives us many good gifts and possessions, obviously for our enjoyment. The key is not to enjoy them more than we enjoy him. To glorify and worship him for all he has given us.
Last night, frustrated with Skype, I decided to download ooVoo. Well, none-too-wisely, I downloaded it from rapidshare. You may know what happened next.. I recieved a system error message with a warning that the computer would automatically shut down in 1 minute. Yes, this gets worse. I restarted my computer, only to find that a virus had just locked everything past my logon screen. I could put in my password, but my familiar Windows 7 graphical interface would not open, even more, my task manager had also been disabled. And so, currently, I am blogging from an Ubuntu live disk, thankfully virus-immune. Now, I'm attempting to download a Windows virus scanner for Linux. It is proving to be difficult, because of my silly Rogers internet service.
This morning I called Rogers to make a complaint about how, for 3 consecutive months, they had not sent me a 75% bandwidth used notification. This means that I would, without warning, receive a 100% notification, and then inevitably, go over my 60gb a month limit. I spoke to a Very nice man named Scott. He was very helpful and typed a case to give to a higher authority than him, and then gave me my case number. Out of curiousity, I asked him where he was. He told me that he's in Moncton too! Cool, huh.
Recently, I've been watching an anime series called Fate/Stay Night.
The synopsis ( "The Holy Grail War is a battle between seven magicians who each summon a mythical hero to fight for their cause. Shirou, a twice orphaned high school boy, had so little magical talent that his foster father did not bother teaching him about the war and its meaning. Thanks to that lack of foresight, Shirou finds himself in a bit of a pinch when he accidentally summons a hero of the strongest class, and is sucked into the fray. The Grail grants the winner any wish they have. But driven by an unyielding sense of justice and self-sacrifice, for what will Shirou fight?"
I'm quite enjoying it.
That's all for now.
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